So... a project I was working on was a "Dream SMP Ambience" series. Essentially, I would take locations on the Dream SMP and build up an ambient soundscape for it, pairing it with some pretty visuals and uploading two versions of each: one with music, and one without.
I was planning on putting a lot into this project, as I wanted to have an entire page devoted to it, explaining my thought processes, and what I wanted to achieve with each one. Unfortunately, TommyInnit is a FUCKING LIAR and didn't release the world downloads* for the Dream SMP like he said he would on multiple occasions. I'm a tad peeved about it, to put it lightly. I don't like being lied to. Maybe I'm being over-dramatic, but I so desperately wanted to be able to play on the world, if not to just explore it. Theoretically, I could still do the series, maybe using Puffy's screenshots... but it wouldn't be the quality I would be comfortable putting out. I have shader configurations specific for each general "mood" of the locations, and having day/night cycles, let alone video at all, would be important for the soundscapes too. So, I simply won't work on the project. If Tommy, or anyone else, does eventually upload the world, or worlds, then I would pick up where I left off. *I say worlds because when Tommy was talking about it initially, he mentioned how he had multiple iterations from different eras of the server, which Callahan gave him for his Tribute to the DSMP video. He said he would upload all of them, so like any naive fool, I believed him. |
Maybe I'm being dramatic. I just feel like, if SMPLive and SMPEarth got downloads, then the Dream SMP deserves to be released too. I don't think that's stupid.